Friday, December 26, 2014

Reading/Map Lamp Install

The reading/map lamp in the front cabin area has been installed.
We used a 2 -1/8 inch rotary drill bit to help make the holes where the lamp base was inserted into the bottom of the cabinet.

You can see the fixture turned on here with the halogen lights that came with the lamp.
We weren't that happy with the color that the bulbs gave us along wit the heat that will come with the halogen bulbs.

Here is a photo with the LED bulb on the left side and the yellow-looking halogen on the right side.

And finally here it is with both LED bulbs in it.

PS-Note to self- the fuse for this and the antenna power amp is the third 15A fuse in the fuse box that is on the driver side engine compartment.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Another Water Leak Repair

We live in an area that recently had some very heavy rain. This is a good thing for two different reasons:
  • We need the rain to feel up the lakes and reservoirs.
  • We need the rain to find any possible leaks in the front cabinet before we close it up.
*I am happy to report that a leak was found and here is the culprit-

We did use a towel and a small heater to dry the cabinet after discovering the leak-
*Happy is being used only because I am happy we discovered this before we closed up this area. We have also had another heavy rainstorm since the repair and I am happy to report that the leak has been eliminated.

Monday, December 8, 2014

More Electrical

DH added another outlet on the bottom of the front cabinet.

This one is a GFCI outlet that is not tied to the inverter.  It will be great to use for an electrical heater during the winter when we are not dry-camping.